ASHEBORO N.C. – Two men are facing charges for assaulting first responders earlier this week and the dangerous incident highlights the hazards first responders can face.
On January 7th, 2024, at around 6 a.m. Randolph County 911 received a 911 hang-up with yelling in the background. Operators were attempting to call the number back, when around three-minutes later, another 911 call came in from a neighbor stating that a male subject had come running into their residence covered in blood saying he had been assaulted by someone he lived with.
As the phone call continued the 911 telecommunicator, learned the other male subject was attempting to get into the home and they could hear screaming. The 911 center notified deputies with the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office to respond and dispatched an ambulance, with instructions to stay clear of the scene until law enforcement could advise it was safe for them to come in.
By 6:18 a.m., Deputies had secured the scene and EMS had arrived. Shortly after their arrival, paramedics requested assistance from a local fire department and East-Side Fire was dispatched to the scene. At around 6:50 a.m. EMS left the scene with one patient who was being transported, light and siren, to Randolph Hospital.
According to 911 dispatch records, around six minutes after EMS began transporting the patient, Randolph County 911 received an urgent call over the radio that EMTs were in danger and requesting immediate assistance from law enforcement.
According to a press release from the Sheriff’s Office, while being transported, 46-year-old Pedro Nava Anguiano began to “speak sentences that did not make sense, would not pay attention, and became agitated while EMS personnel was assessing him.”
Officials say Anguiano unbuckled his seat belt and began a struggle with the attending EMT. In the struggle he was able to grab a syringe with a needle. The ambulance was brought to a stop and the personnel escaped the back of the ambulance, but Anguiano followed and knocked the attending EMT to the ground where another struggle ensued.
Just moments later several firefighters from East-Side Fire arrived, called out that first responders were in danger over the radio, and helped hold Anguiano down. According to the Sheriff’s Office, another male identified as Julio Cesar Salazar De-LaCruz approached and attempted to push and pull fire personnel off Anguiano.
Deputies with the Randolph County Sheriff’s raced to the scene and arrived to find three fire-fighters attempting to hold down Anguiano. With the help of the deputies Anguiano was secured and placed in the back of an ambulance for transport to Randolph Hospital. Because Anguiano continued to fight with first responders, a deputy was assigned as an escort.
According to radio traffic and 911 logs, two deputies were involved in a vehicle accident while arriving on scene. Units on scene requested two additional ambulances to respond. One for the vehicle accident, and another for the original patient. According to officials at the Sheriff’s Office, a deputy was transported from the scene for evaluation, according to protocol. No serious injuries were reported.
“We are very thankful to the East Side Fire Department firefighters who were following behind the ambulance when this incident occurred. As soon as the ambulance stopped in the roadway, the firefighters reacted quickly by assisting in subduing and detaining the patient. Randolph County Sheriff’s deputies also arrived very quickly and detained the subject,” said Donovan Davis, the Director of Randolph County Emergency Services.
“Fortunately, and thankfully, the paramedic who was in the back of the ambulance with the patient received only minor injuries from the patient and she is now doing well,” said Davis.
That paramedic is currently assigned to light-duty work until a medical reassessment clears her for full duty. No other EMS personnel were injured during this incident.
“An incident of this nature always prompts us to review our policies and procedures to make improvements as needed. The safety of our personnel is our top priority. We provide our personnel with bullet / stab-proof vests and other personal safety equipment. We are also reviewing our training program to see if anything else can be added for our field personnel, like advanced self-defense techniques.”
After the incident, deputies took out warrants on Anguiano for Felony Assault on Emergency Personnel Physical Injury, Resist/Obstruct/Delay, and Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Warrants were also obtained on Salazar De-LaCruz for Assault on Government Official. A Magistrate found probable cause for the charges and issued both Warrants for Arrest.
Following release after evaluation, Anguiano was transported to the Randolph County Detention Center where he was served the warrant. The magistrate issued a $10,000 secured bond.
On January 8, 2024, Julio Cesar Salazar De-LaCruz was apprehended by the Randolph County Criminal Apprehension Team. He was transported to the Randolph County Detention Center where he was served his warrant for felony Assault on a Government Official. The magistrate issued a secure bond in the amount of $3,000