Sunday, March 16


City of Asheboro Conducts Annual Switch to Chlorine for Water Treatment

City of Asheboro Conducts Annual Switch to Chlorine for Water Treatment

ASHEBORO N.C. - If you live in the City of Asheboro your water may have a slight chorine smell starting in a few days. On October 10th, 2022, the City of Asheboro posted a notice that water treatment plants would be switching to free chlorine as the primary disinfection treatment starting on Tuesday, November 1st. This change is made once a year and according to the city the treatment is "necessary to ensure optimum water quality throughout the distribution water mains." Find out more about Chlorine and Water Treatment in our previous year's article about the switch where we go over the chemicals involved, the process, and look at water system inspections. Officials say you may initially detect a slight increase in chlorine taste or smell as the switchover in treatment proces...
Government & Groups Work to Promote Election Security for the 2022 Mid-Terms

Government & Groups Work to Promote Election Security for the 2022 Mid-Terms

Stock Photo - 2020 Election Setup (Acme News) ASHEBORO N.C. - With the challenges, lawsuits, controversy, and conspiracy theories from the 2020 election still lingering, officials and politicians on every level of government, federal law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and bipartisan groups are all working to ensure the upcoming midterms are a smooth and secure election. At a federal level, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have published a joint public service announcement seeking to calm fears of hacking and miss-information ahead of the upcoming 2022 midterms.  The joint statement seeks to make it clear that malicious hackers targeting the election are unlikely to result in either large-scale disru...
Randolph County Early Voting Schedule

Randolph County Early Voting Schedule

ASHEBORO N.C. - The Randolph County Board of Elections has provided a schedule with early voting locations and hours. You may vote early at any of the above early voting locations, on election day you may only vote at your assigned voting site. To find your polling location or see a copy of the ballot when available you can use the NC Voter Search tool on the state's Election website.
Two Randolph County Commissioners Complete Emergency Preparedness Training

Two Randolph County Commissioners Complete Emergency Preparedness Training

Photo provided by North Carolina Association of County Commissioners ASHEBORO N.C. - Last month was Emergency Preparedness Month and while social media was filled with posts about how to prepare for an emergency or severe weather, two of Randolph County's commissioners took a trip to Cabarrus County and completed Emergency Preparedness Training specifically for County Commissioners. A press release from the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) says that Randolph County Commissioners Hope Haywood and Vice-Chairman David Allen completed the 100 Counties Prepared Emergency Preparedness Training for County Commissioners at the NCACC 115th Annual Conference in Cabarrus County. Commissioner Haywood and Vice-Chairman Allen were two of sixty-one county officials to comp...
Sheriff’s Office Schedules Detention Officer Recruitment Drive

Sheriff’s Office Schedules Detention Officer Recruitment Drive

Photo provided by Randolph County Sheriff's Office ASHEBORO N.C. - The Randolph County Sheriff's Office is set to hold four events over the next two months for anyone interested in learning more about a career as a detention officer. Anyone interested in learning more about a career with Randolph County Sheriff's Office is invited to attend one of four information sessions with recruiters and detention staff. Events will be on September 15th, October 6th, October 27th, and November 10th from 6pm to 8pm at the Randolph County Sheriff's Office main office on McDowell Rd in Asheboro. Those who attend will be able to speak to recruiters and detention center staff and be given a tour of the detention center. For more info about detention career contact Captain Derrick Hill or Lt. Ke...
Corporal Punishment “Opt-Out” Policy back in Spotlight

Corporal Punishment “Opt-Out” Policy back in Spotlight

Classroom - Stock Image (smolaw11 / Adobe Stock) ASHEBORO N.C. - As students return to school parents are reading and signing a lot of forms; one of those forms is back in the spotlight after parents took to social media and spoke with a local TV news station about Randolph County Schools opt-out policy for corporal punishment.  Under North Carolina General Statutes school personnel may use reasonable force in what the statute calls “the exercise of lawful authority to restrain or correct pupils and maintain order.” It is this provision that sets up the use of corporal punishment in schools.  The Randolph County School System policy regarding corporal punishment was established in 1989 and last updated on November 19, 2012. The policy which says, “while not encouraged, cor...
Felons In NC (Not in Jail/Prison) May Register and Vote, Says NC Court

Felons In NC (Not in Jail/Prison) May Register and Vote, Says NC Court

[Scott Pelkey / Acme News] ASHEBORO N.C. - The North Carolina Court of Appeals recently ordered a lower court's ruling to go into effect which allows felons who are not in jail or prison to register and vote. The court's ruling went into effect on July 27th, 2022, allowing an individual serving a felony sentence who is not in jail or prison to register and vote. Previously, North Carolina law barred a person serving a felony sentence from being able to register or vote until they completed their felony sentence which included probation, post-release supervision, or parole. According to voter records 117 residents of Randolph County show as being removed from the voter rolls due to felony convictions, however it is unknown how many felons have never registered to vote due to the p...
2022 Primary Election Results [FINAL]

2022 Primary Election Results [FINAL]

FINAL RESULTS Precincts Reported: 100.00% (22 out of 22) Ballots Cast: 21.70% (20,455 out of 94,262) US SENATE (DEM) NAME ON BALLOTPARTYBALLOT COUNTPERCENTCheri BeasleyDEM1,55981.37%Alyssia Rose-Katherine HammondDEM804.18%James L. Carr, Jr.DEM643.34%Marcus W. WilliamsDEM432.24%Robert ColonDEM341.77%Constance (Lov) JohnsonDEM321.67%Rett NewtonDEM251.30%Tobias LaGroneDEM231.20%Chrelle BookerDEM221.15%B. K. MaginnisDEM201.04%Greg AntoineDEM140.73% US SENATE (REP) NAME ON BALLOTPARTYBALLOT COUNTPERCENTTed BuddREP9,81754.16%Mark WalkerREP5,12528.27%Pat McCroryREP2,41013.30%Marjorie K. EastmanREP2731.51%Kenneth Harper, Jr.REP1090.60%David FlahertyREP710.39%Jen BanwartREP590.33%Charles Kenneth MossREP530.29%Benjamin E. GriffithsREP420.23%Lichia SibhatuREP380.21%Drew Bule...
Primary Election Day – What you need to know.

Primary Election Day – What you need to know.

[Scott Pelkey / Acme News] ASHEBORO N.C. - Citizens across the state are heading to the polls to vote for their picks for their party's' nominee. In Randolph County over 10,000 citizens cast their vote early. Lines at polling places so far today have remained short, with most voters telling us they were in and out in less than 10 minutes. If you haven't voted yet, here's what you need to know: Voting Hours Polls will remain open until 7:30pm Finding Your Polling Place If you are not sure where your polling place is, you can look it up online before you leave: Lookup Your Polling Location View A Sample Ballot You can view sample ballots for both the Republican and Democrat Primaries at these links Republican Party Sample Ballot Democratic Party Samp...
Early Voting Number Pass Pre-Pandemic Turnout With 3 Days Still Left

Early Voting Number Pass Pre-Pandemic Turnout With 3 Days Still Left

ASHEBORO N.C. - The number of people who have chosen to vote early this year has officially passed the pre-pandemic levels with another 3 days still left. With hotly contested seats for the house and senate at both the state and federal level as well as incumbents being challenged for register of deeds and Randolph County Sheriff, the rise in early voting comes as no surprise. So far this year 6,923 voters have chosen to vote early, just passing 2018 totals (6.376), and the number is expected to continue to rise with three more days left to vote early. After early voting ends on Saturday May 14th 2022, voters will only be able to cast their vote during the 2022 primary election held on May 17th this year. That date is later than normal after the state was forced to suspe...